April 05, 2011

Welcome to Lumar Interiors’ Blog!

After 21 years in the decorating business, why start a blog?

Malcolm Gladwell made famous the concept of needing 10,000 hours in a given field to be considered an expert. Well, I’ve done over 40,000 in interior decorating and combined with my business partner, Luisa, we’ve done over 80,000 hours. Not only have we been around the block a few times, we’ve hit many dead ends, and went down a few wrong alleys. We’ve learned a lot.

So, I thought we’d have a ton of ‘stuff’ to share: lessons learned, decorating tips, favourite decorator finds, funny stories about life in the decorating world, and perhaps a little design philosophy while we’re at it. (for the closet philosopher in me). Now that the kids are a little older (15, 18 and 22), they are not so receptive to my dinner time stories recounting my day (as I notice their eyes roll back…); so I need a new audience!

We’ve been blessed with meeting so many different people and visiting many places through our work. Truly, I know I’ve been exposed to more than I ever would have in my previous work. (Did I mention I came from an accounting background and Luisa from social work? Probably explains how we’ve made it this long in this business. But that’s a story for another time.) We’ve met all kinds, seen all kinds and been inspired by many.

Life is full of inspiration! The people, places and things that cross our paths in life touch us and help form us whether we’re aware of it or not. The many clients we’ve had over the years have inspired us to be better at both our work and our personal lives. We’ve learned to appreciate and embrace different styles, different cuisines, and different cultures. Like I constantly remind my kids, ‘what a dull place this world would be if everyone were like me’. (….funny, I never seem to get an argument from them on this point….hmmm) Our work has expanded our personal potential: what a great reward!

As a ‘younger’ lady I always loved to window shop and browse through mountains of magazines. I still have a few copies of Vogue and Glamour magazines from the early 80’s.
I have always loved to look at beautiful things, to spot emerging trends and, really, there has been no better education. So, when I discovered the world of blogs through Canadian House and Home Magazine a few months ago, specifically, the blog Habitually Chic (Ok, so I missed the boat on this trend by a few years), well….I quickly became addicted to a new love. I now follow a dozen different blogs which I will share with you. I hope to get your feedback. I would LOVE to hear about what YOU love!

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So to answer the opening question:  we’ve got a few hours under out belt, a few stories to share, tips to give and hopefully, some inspiration to offer. Even if all it does is make you smile that day, then we feel it’s been worth it.

And truthfully, we always said we’d write a book one day about all our experiences and finally get rich….so maybe this is a start.

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